Mittwoch, 18. März 2015

Tips for Golf Penalties & Things You Need To Know About Them

Tips for Golf Penalties
It is inevitable that golfers will be penalized at one time or another. The penalties, make for a fair playing field for all who golf and it helps to ensure that each player has a fair chance to win. The only thing you can do when you get penalized is to shake it off and...
Tips for Golf Penalties & Things You Need To Know About Them

Dienstag, 17. März 2015

Why Slicing The Ball Reduces Your Accuracy And How You Can Fix It

Fix the Golf Slice
Every golfer sometimes has trouble playing certain types of shots and often the worst nightmare of all is the slice. It is best if you are having trouble with some of your shots to try to make your good shots better and then improve the bad ones, one after the other. Usually...
Why Slicing The Ball Reduces Your Accuracy And How You Can Fix It

Montag, 16. März 2015

How To Grip The Club

How To Grip The Club
They say that the mystery of golf is all in the small details and one important detail is learning how to grip the club. Golf pros always say that you first need to learn the golf basics such as the best way to hold the club and how to take the correct stance. Then, after ...
How To Grip The Club

Sonntag, 15. März 2015

Preventing The Ball From Hitting High On The Clubface

Preventing The Ball From Hitting High On The Clubface
When playing golf, many players become extremely frustrated and angry when they are unable to hit the ball properly. At times, golfers have even quit playing completely because they were so embarrassed by their level of play. Being unable to...
Preventing The Ball From Hitting High On The Clubface

Samstag, 14. März 2015

A Code of Conduct for Rookie Golfers

Code of Conduct for Golfers
Traditionally a Gentlemen’s sport, the elegance of this game is made apparent by the classy apparel and conduct of the players. Those interested in practicing this sophisticated sport will need a large measure of passion and dedication, but if you want the respect and ...
A Code of Conduct for Rookie Golfers

Freitag, 13. März 2015

8 Tried & Tested Tips For Improving Golf Swing

Tips for Improving Golf Swing
Because of the increasing popularity of the game of golf, many newcomers have decided to begin playing the game. However, even though there are many more players, a lot of the casual players have only limited knowledge about the best technique. So it is not...
8 Tried & Tested Tips For Improving Golf Swing

Donnerstag, 12. März 2015

How Golf Handicaps Work: How To Lower Your Handicap

How Golf Handicaps Work
A golfer’s handicap is essentially the golfer’s score and the measure of his ability on the golf course. With the handicap, the lower the number the better it is for the golfer. This score is often what will decide the winner and the loser in a golf match so it is a v...
How Golf Handicaps Work: How To Lower Your Handicap

Mittwoch, 11. März 2015

How to Set Yourself Up for the Shot: The Correct Golf Stance

The Correct Golf Stance
Every beginning golfer envies those golf pros because they are very good at their game. Pros pay attention to the golf basics, they are always keen in the technique and basics of golfing, one of them being the correct golf stance. If you are not planning to be a...
How to Set Yourself Up for the Shot: The Correct Golf Stance

Dienstag, 10. März 2015

Foot Positioning for Golf: Where to Position Your Feet When Teeing Off

Foot Positioning for Golf
Playing games is a crucial part of a person’s life, especially those whose career lies on sports. One key to perfecting the game is foot positioning which applies to all games ranging from football to baseball to golf. If you play golf, then you should consider ...
Foot Positioning for Golf: Where to Position Your Feet When Teeing Off

Montag, 9. März 2015

Learn How To Pivot When Swinging The Club

How To Pivot When Swinging The Club
People who are perfectionists at playing golf always make sure to pay attention to every part of the game including the tiny details. They feel that all impurities in your system must be eliminated to play the very best game possible. Of course, it takes...
Learn How To Pivot When Swinging The Club

Sonntag, 8. März 2015

Golf Clubs Buyers Guide: 9 Things To Consider When Buying Golf Clubs

Golf Clubs Buyers Guide
It is not easy to buy golf equipment. That is because there are so many brands available at the sports store or pro shop that it is very easy to become confused. In the end, many golfers pay too much for golf clubs that are of poor quality. This affects their game...
Golf Clubs Buyers Guide: 9 Things To Consider When Buying Golf Clubs

Samstag, 7. März 2015

Placing The Ball Correctly In Your Stance. The Correct Golf Ball Position

The Correct Golf Ball Position
Where you position your ball is the secret to hitting an amazing golf shot but this very basic technique is too often overlooked. The placement of shots and other parts of the game often overshadow ball position but you need to pay attention to this important...
Placing The Ball Correctly In Your Stance. The Correct Golf Ball Position

Freitag, 6. März 2015

Why the Backswing is Important for Shot Accuracy

Importance of Backswing
Many of the golf pros believe that the most important thing is taking a proper backswing which is comparably really important than the golf swing. Golfing entails precision that makes a backswing no different. Many experts always focus on the practice time on the...
Why the Backswing is Important for Shot Accuracy

Donnerstag, 5. März 2015

How to Gain Distance on Your Golf Shots

How to Gain Distance on Your Golf Shots
This is a short guide with valuable tips on how to gain distance on your golf shots:
To truly master the sport requires a good domination of a wide range of different shots. This is because in any given you will have to shoot from varying distances and...
How to Gain Distance on Your Golf Shots

Elevated Golf Shots: How to Hit a Golf Ball to an Elevated Surface

The game of golf involves so many scenarios such as sand trap, offset strikes and elevated golf shots. In this section however, the latter will be dealt with as this situation is common in almost all games. Striking to hit the right distance at the same time aiming a higher accuracy is a...
Elevated Golf Shots: How to Hit a Golf Ball to an Elevated Surface

How to Chip a Golf Ball

Golf Chip Shots
When playing golf, the chip shot requires absolute precision and is always the duty of the player to perfectly play his role. It enables the player to return the ball to a level surface, its sole purpose is to have the ball at the green region and ensuring that the ball is...
How to Chip a Golf Ball

Golf Back Problems: How to Avoid Back Pain while Practicing Golf

How to Avoid Golf Back Problems
One of the most common injuries sustained by both amateurs and professional golfers alike is back pain. These are often concentrated in the lower-back and this kind of injury can seriously affect your game. One reason for this problem is that a person who is...
Golf Back Problems: How to Avoid Back Pain while Practicing Golf

How to Hit the Golf Ball to Execute the Perfect Shot?

How to Hit the Golf Ball
Golfing is sometimes considered as the simplest game, yet the most prestigious. But this only happens because the professionals do it as if everyone can do it. However, the truth is, if you want to be a golfer, or already are, then you have an idea how tough it is to...
How to Hit the Golf Ball to Execute the Perfect Shot?

Sand Trap Golf Tips: What to Do If Your Ball Lands in a Sand Trap

Sand Trap Golf Tips
Just like any other game where players must face the most challenging part, golf do have a tough challenge too. Enter, the sand trap. As the name suggests, this trap also boggle even the golf pros and anyone who finds himself/herself in this situation has to learn how to...
Sand Trap Golf Tips: What to Do If Your Ball Lands in a Sand Trap